Getting Started

Published Date: 26-03-2024

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Let's glance at all the major steps involved in Salesforce-Jira integration. For more information on each individual section, use the navigation panel on the left.

Sinergify is a powerful connector for Salesforce and Jira integration, offering a broad range of integration possibilities.

Note: Our team also offers assisted implementation in case a customer needs it. Customizations can also be done in case a customer needs a tailored Sinergify instance.

Configuring Sinergify on Salesforce

  1. Pre-Requisites

  1. Enable Idea

    • Login to Salesforce org as an admin.

    • Switch to Classic Experience and click on ‘Setup’.

    • In the Search box enter  “Idea Settings”.

    • Select Edit and then select Enable “Idea”. See the reference screenshot.

    • Click Save.

  1. Enable Incident Management

    • Go to setup and then Search “Incident Management”.

    • Enable the Toggle Button.

    Note: As our package is compatible with Salesforce Incident Management, it is important to Enable incident management upon installing the package. You can disable the setting once the package is installed.
  1. Setup Integration user

    Integration user is the Jira user that will be responsible for syncing/creating/modifying the data from Salesforce to Jira. Hence in order to attain the features available on Jira Platform within Salesforce, it is necessary to have a unique/dedicated integration user. The authentication process on the Sinergify Admin page needs to be done via this Integration user only. This user must have all the right permissions in order to make successful updates on Jira.

    Please refer to the article below for reference.

    Similarly for Jira to Salesforce sync, it is also recommended to use a unique/dedicated salesforce user with admin profile or similar custom profile with the right Object and CRUD permissions as per your usecase.

  1. Installation Steps

    • Log into your Salesforce instance.

    • In the ‘Quick Find’ search box, click the ‘App Launcher’ icon and go to the ‘View All’ option.

    • Search ‘Sinergify’ in the AppExchange and click ‘Get in now’.

  1. Setting up Sinergify on Salesforce

  1. Basic Authentication
    • Enter Jira Credentials and choose Default Instance.

    • Choose the type of Jira Instance (Server/Cloud)and Enable status active.

  1. OAuth Authentication
    • Open the Jira instance and create application links.

    • Once the application links are created, add the Salesforce org URL and click on the Edit button. Enter Sinergify in the consumer name field and Salesforce in the consumer key field.

    • Select incoming authentication, enter the public key, and call back URL.

    • When finished, click Save and make sure the status is "Configured."

    • Login to, open the Admin settings, and click on OAuth Authentication.

    • Enter the values and make sure to check Default status : “Active."

  1. Sinergify Configuration Settings

    The configuration settings for both Salesforce and Jira instances can be done from the Admin Settings section.

  2. Project Mapping

    Manage Jira projects and their permissions from Salesforce.

  3. Field Mapping

    Build the Jira detail page in Salesforce and manage what fields need to be made visible in Salesforce.

Configuring Sinergify Plugin on Jira

  1. Jira Cloud Plugin

  2. Jira Server Plugin

    With Sinergify introducing Jira side Plugin, now you can easily configure and showcase Salesforce field details on Jira.

  1. Setting up Jira Plugin

    Create a Salesforce Connected App which is required before installing the application in Jira.

  1. Installation
    • Select Apps, under the drop-down menu select, Find new apps in your Jira instance.

    • Enter Sinergify in the Search for apps input box and press enter.

    • Select Sinergify and Select Get App to install the application in the background.

  1. Authentication
    • Select Manage apps from the Apps drop-down and Authentication from the left panel.

    • Please enter the Salesforce login URL and keys for the Connected app. Verify whether the app is connected or not.

  1. Event Configuration
    • Configure settings for Jira Issue related events.

  1. Configuration and Field Mapping
    • Configure settings for Panel on Issue screen and Fields Configuration for Search and Panel views.