
Published Date: 05-08-2024

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There are numerous facets that make Sinergify the best-of-breed connector for Salesforce and Jira integration. For instance, Sinergify allows integration of all standard and custom Salesforce objects, and it is the only connector that supports all the 18 languages supported by Salesforce.

Apart from the aforementioned ones, given are some of the key features of Sinergify:

  1. Feed Item Control: Link Jira issues, share comments and attachments directly from the feed tab of the object details page in Salesforce using hashtags.
  2. Bi-directional Comment Syncing: Allow seamless syncing of comments from Jira to Salesforce and vice versa.
  3. Bidirectional Attachment Flow: Enable hassle-free, two-way flow of attachments between Jira and Salesforce.
  4. Comprehensive Reporting: Fetch reports including Jira issue records and all the custom mapped field details right from Salesforce.
  5. Auto-Creation of Jira Issues: Create Jira issues/tickets automatically by using our exposed methods in your triggers or process builders.
  6. Jira Status Transitions: Update the Jira ticket statuses from Salesforce easily even if Status transition is enabled on your Jira instance. The same can be synced to your Salesforce instance.